
August 5, 2022

6 Ways SEO Strategy Can Help You To Maintain Your SERP Position

The traditionally keyword-focused SEO, or search engine optimization, has changed to become more content-driven in today’s digital environment. In order to make searches more user-friendly, economic development and authenticity are now being highlighted thanks to ongoing modifications in search algorithms (looking at you, Google).
However, these modifications make ranking even harder. Ranking on the first page of any search engine takes work because more than a million websites provide valuable material every day.

SEO Strategy

Consequently, here are some tactics you can use, regardless of whether your goal is to preserve your place on the top page of the search engine results page (SERP) or to raise your ranking.

1. Make updates to your website by including new and varied information

It will help if you routinely update your site and add new information because search engines love high-quality and recent content. This will help your SERP ranking. Regularly updating outdated pages can also help you keep or gain SERP position. The audience can become disinterested if you consistently post the same type of content, so you should explore with releasing content in different formats.

2. Make keywords accessible

The days of overusing the same keywords on your page in an attempt to rank are long gone.  Keywords need to feel more natural and should flow naturally throughout your text. Therefore, it would be beneficial if you would delete unnatural-sounding terms from your older posts and replace them with long-tail keywords

Identifying the search terms your audience uses to find a certain topic is another important step. The Keyword Planner on Google is a helpful tool for finding alternative keywords and historical performance data.

3. Improve meta-description and title tags to raise click through rates

The first thing you don’t want to happen is for searchers to overlook your website after it has achieved high rankings in search engines. You must improve the visual appeal of your website and make it more likely that users will click on it if you want to prevent this from happening.

To ensure that readers find your page relevant, make sure your Meta tags are optimised for the keywords you used. The description should be intriguing and truthful, and your 65-character title should likewise be interesting.

4. Include links to internal pages and reliable websites

A common SEO strategy myth is that linking to authority websites will cause you to lose traffic. Having outbound connections that reroute to trusted companies actually helps search engines judge how relevant your website is.

Another successful tactic for preserving your keyword ranking is internal linking. It improves your website’s “crawlability,” lowers bounce rates, and makes it easier for users to traverse your website.

But be careful not to use too many internal and external links. Make sure the pages you link to offer value to your content and avoid imposing links.

5. Create a presence on social networks

Social media presence has an undeniable indirect impact on your rankings, even if it is still debatable whether social media signals are a ranking component. Social shares increase website traffic, and the more traffic your site receives, the more likely it is that you will acquire genuine, high-quality connections.

The quantity of social shares your page receives might be an indicator of quality, particularly now that search engines emphasise giving their users useful content. Not to mention, if you have a strong social media presence, SERPs will list your online profiles.

Start by including social sharing buttons on your website pages, including a call to action line in the content, and soliciting influencers to share your material to increase social media engagement.

Another great strategy to increase your social media authority is to provide free resources, like eBooks, in exchange for social media shares.

6. Guest posting

An excellent content marketing strategy that has several advantages for your website is guest posting.

You can expand the audience for your blog and boost site traffic by inviting guest bloggers to write for you. Additionally, if you include links to your social media accounts in your author bio, it can help you increase brand awareness and forge a social media presence.

Additionally, you can add contextual links from your website to your blog on authoritative websites, which, if done consistently, can help you rise in the SERPs.

However, while guest blogging, you should give relationship-building a higher priority than a single guest post opportunity intended to obtain backlinks. Additionally, avoid guest blogging for “guest-posting farms” or websites that publish work you have contributed to them because you will be punished.

Even the highest ranks for a firm can only get them so far, despite the fact that so many companies place a lot of emphasis on SERP rankings. Remember that traffic is what actually brings in money, not rankings. Understanding which keywords you genuinely want to rank for is crucial since not all of these will be worth the work it takes to obtain them.