
January 13, 2023

Top 10 ChatGPT Use Cases

The capabilities of AI-based tools like ChatGPT are endless. As a result, developers and entrepreneurs have been building great tools on top of it to improve people’s productivity. From automating repetitive tasks to generating human-like text, ChatGPT is changing the way we work and communicate. The use of AI-based tools like ChatGPT is putting people’s productivity on steroids, and it’s no surprise that more and more people are turning to these tools to improve their workflows.

However, as with any technology, there are ethical implications and concerns about the use of AI-based tools. One such concern is the potential for AI-generated content to replace human jobs, and the ethical implications of using AI-generated content in various industries. It’s important to understand these implications and weigh the potential benefits of AI-based tools like ChatGPT against the potential risks. If you’re interested in learning more about these ethical considerations and the potential benefits of AI-generated content, check out this blog post “CNET’s AI-generated Contents: Ethical Implications and Potential Benefits” for more insights.

If you’re looking for a tool to connect your WhatsApp with ChatGPT, there is one available. If you want to use ChatGPT to write emails, there is a tool for that as well. And if you’re looking for a way to create summaries of YouTube videos using ChatGPT, there is a tool for that too. These are just a few examples of the many tools that have been built on top of ChatGPT to improve productivity and automate tasks. And with the capabilities of ChatGPT expanding, there are likely to be even more tools developed in the future. If you’re interested in learning more about the different use cases for ChatGPT, be sure to read on to see the different tools and how they’re being used to improve workflows and streamline tasks.

Connect your ChatGPT with your Whatsapp

This tool allows users to easily connect their ChatGPT model to their WhatsApp account, enabling them to generate responses to messages and improving the efficiency of their communication.

ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT writer generating response for a query to write about payment reminder.

It use ChatGPT to generate emails or replies based on your prompt! This tool allows users to generate emails or replies based on a specific prompt using ChatGPT, saving time and effort when responding to messages.


ChatGPT result when prompted with relevant links from search

WebChatGPT gives you relevant results from the web! This tool allows users to search the web using ChatGPT and get relevant results based on their input prompt.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

It generate text summaries of any YouTube video! This tool allows users to generate text summaries of any YouTube video, making it easier to consume and understand the content.


TweetGPT can automatically write Twitter replies.

It uses ChatGPT to write your tweets, reply, comment, etc. This tool allows users to use ChatGPT to write tweets, reply, comments, etc, saving time and effort when creating content for social media.

Search GPT

ChatGPT response in Google SERP

It display the ChatGPT response alongside Google Search results This tool allows users to search the web using ChatGPT and see the results alongside regular Google search results, providing additional information and context.

ChatGPT on All Search Engines

ChatGPT generating response for the query “cv by html” in Google SERP

You can now view ChatGPT responses on Google and Bing! This tool allows users to view ChatGPT responses on multiple search engines like Google and Bing, providing more options and flexibility when searching the web.

Save All Your Prompts?

Saved ChatGPT prompts using ChatGPT Prompt Genius

The ChatGPT history extension has you covered! This tool allows users to save all their prompts and refer back to them at a later time, making it easier to keep track of their work and progress.

Remake a Video

YouTube Remake Homepage

Just pick a video you liked and visit YouTube Remake to get its transcript. Once done, bring that back to Chat GPT and tell it to summarize the transcript. Read the summary and make a video on that yourself. This tool allows users to pick a video they liked, get its transcript and use ChatGPT to summarize it, then read the summary and make a new video on that topic by themselves.

Search What People are Prompting with FlowGPT

FlowGPT Homepage

This tool allows users to search for the most popular prompts on the web, giving them ideas and inspiration for their own work

In conclusion, the future with AI looks exciting. As developers and entrepreneurs continue to build tools on top of ChatGPT, we are seeing more and more ways in which this technology can be used to improve productivity and automate tasks. From connecting with WhatsApp to generating emails, from summarizing YouTube videos to searching the web, ChatGPT-based tools are transforming the way we work and communicate. The capabilities of ChatGPT are endless and as it continues to develop and improve, we can expect to see even more tools and applications in the future. While there are ethical considerations and concerns, the benefits of AI-based tools like ChatGPT far outweigh the risks. It’s an exciting time for the future of AI and the possibilities are endless.